Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Until tonight...

Hello, moon.
Chalky captive in bloody sky.
Hopes of shepherds delight dashed
as the sky weeps,
and rain heals her wounds
She fades to grey.

Tell me moon.
What did you do?
When daylight recedes beyond your
nacreous gleam,
her shameful retreat brings
night to menace.
Confess your sins;
you have time.

You can't see me moon,
from your crescent perch.
Your light can't reach our faults
hidden within the shadows.
But I see yours.
Luminous imperfections
across your face.
I wonder if you know.

I'm sorry, moon.
Lonely sole deserted in an
ordinary sky.
Where stars burn universal,
a galaxy determined
to surpass your shine.
You only have yourself to blame.

Goodbye moon.
The sun may scold you;
chase away the darkness
but she too brings new shadows to hide.
You recoil into the blue,
fade beyond the clouds.
But I know you're there...


  1. Lou, I love this!! It is simply beautiful. Especially, Lonely sole deserted in an
    ordinary sky.Where stars burn universal,
    a galaxy determined
    to surpass your shine.
    You only have yourself to blame. :) :)

  2. Very good stuff available at you site. It is really the of a genious. I wish to visit your site again and again

  3. Thanks guys! Please visit again. I always like new readers and comments :)


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