Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Hurling words into darkness and waiting for an echo...

It started as a smile, a glance. A flirtation with ideas. It grew into words. I dabbled; a few here, a few there. Soon they came together, merged effortlessly as one. Yes, reader. I am writing a novel.

For weeks, maybe even months, I've worked on one story. Every day I'd add a new paragraph. Change some words. Delete. Adjust a sentence. Complete a chapter. Days passed and my characters became real to me, fleshed, alive, ready to jump from the page, to give me hell if I didn't do them justice. If I didn't give them a chance.

The right side of my brain has taken over, given itself fully to my fictional world. Nothing is logical. Life's situations are no longer my own. They're my characters. As I sit at my computer, I do not exist. I am Lucille. I am Simeon. I am about to come of age.

What started as a short story has today become a novel. Lucille was babbling on about herself, recounting a flashback, when suddenly I appeared, left side of brain kicked into gear. I sat there in my fictional world and realised; there's more to this.

I am writing a novel.

I announce this like those at an AA meeting. They say the first step is to admit you have a problem. I do. I've convinced myself I have more than a short story on my hands. Such a lethal confession. Once committed, I do not give up. The harder things get, the harder I try. Am I even capable of this? Who knows. But now I'm in this for the long haul. It'll be scary. Daunting. Challenging. It's going to be one hell of a journey.

Fingers crossed I reach my destination.


  1. Sounds like you have taken that all important first step. Best of luck to you on the journey....I hope it's everything you want it to be :)

  2. Yes Lou. You are capable of this.

  3. it's a challenge you can and will meet. enjoy it!

  4. my gods dont do it Lou
    say it aint tru:(

    think of all those short stories, the abridged versions and the pocket books of nancy drew from back way back when!

    oh the horror :.(

  5. Sounds awesome, I'm sure it will be great! Looking forward to seeing your destination! :)


  6. Wishing you well as you immerse yourself in the novel. Keep us posted on progress...

  7. I have a feeling it will be great. You are a fantastic writer. Good luck, and keep us updated.

  8. Wow. Thanks for the flood of comments everyone! I am a bit nervous about the whole thing, mainly because i know it's going to take forever for me to finish it and i always see things through to the end. But your comments have given me a little boost. Maybe i am capable after-all. We shall see. Watch this space! I'll do an update on it in a couple of months, perhaps. :)

  9. You're writing a novel? Lou, that's FANTASTIC! I have often wondered why you never had, after reading some of your beautifully written poems. Congrats and I can't wait to buy it and read it after it's published. :)

  10. I am sure you can do it. Wish you lots of luck and hope to read about your sucess :)

    Kate x

  11. Thanks Robyn and Kate, for the vote of confidence. I had a shaky moment over the weekend wondering what i'd let myself in for but it's just something i'm compelled to do.


  12. Lou, I had to come back and tell you how much I appreciate you popping over to give me comfort and support at a time when I really needed it.

    And it's good to know that I am NOT the ONLY one as I had told myself in my head. :)

    I'm glad you're better and I wish I had known you were having the same issues at the same time I was. Email me the next time. I think we must be in tune with each other. :)

  13. Hey Lou, I have given you an award...check it out here:

  14. You write beautifully! I can't wait to read the install!

    Beautiful Dreamer


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