Monday, 12 April 2010

Rant of the Day

I have an issue with injustice. A fundamental part of me - a gene - roused with anger at the very thought of people doing wrong and getting away with it. So intense, so intrinsic is this, I often adopt the behaviour of spoilt child: feet stamped and shoulders slumped.

For the past month I have followed the story of Constance McMillen. Aged 18, she was banned from taking her girlfriend to Prom in Mississippi. When fuss was kicked, the event was cancelled by the school - exposing McMillen to a flurry of abuse from peers. A Prom was later staged by parents but McMillen was sent to a fake venue with only 7 others in attendance. The rest of the school bigots had their heterosexual dance elsewhere.

When I read this, my heart was a caged bird. I felt its fluttering in my ears and, soon, my gene was roused. Anger lurked like an insidious lump in my throat. As evident from previous posts, I have no place for prejudice. Particularly this behavioural form. It is fine to have a difference of opinion but to enforce this difference on others and its resulting behaviour is both offensive and unjust.

McMillen already lives with one difficulty- that her sexuality does not fit the 'accepted norms' of society. Of course, this is arguable. I live in a place fully accepting of the LGBT community. Clearly, McMillen does not. Furthermore, to be faced with an array of prejudicial abuse from her school, her peers and their parents is one difficult step too far. Where is the justice in this?

Discrimination of this kind is an insult to human nature and its malleability. We have such great potential to learn from past mistakes and grow in acceptance of all things, of all people. And yet we continue to exist in a fixed sphere of intolerance and the more we do so, the more injustice occurs. I'd like things to change.

What say you, reader?


  1. Poor girl, unfortunately there are too many assholes out there.

  2. what can i say...there are many, many forms of prejudice here and this is only one of them. with the cuts in educational funds every chance they have, i'm afraid this will only get worse, not better. the good news is: we have better moral values than others!

  3. My heart, too, goes out to this young woman. It is hard enough to adjust to ones sexuality when it's the norm, and I cannot imagine how difficult it must be when one is "different". Unfortunately, we live in a country that is deeply divided over a number of issues - this is only one of them. Those of us who choose to look at the interior and not the exterior of people have to keep our heads and not be as crazy as those who are so narrow that they cannot see the person for the "rule". How judgmental was that! We have tough sledding for the next few years, but as the younger generation - which apparently is more open-minded - comes of age, perhaps some of this prejudice will die a natural death. Rant on!

  4. I'm totally with you, Lou. Except you put it far more eloquently than I ever could.
    *Plentymorefishoutofwater - One Man's Dating Diary*

  5. I was disappointed when I read that story, what a sad thing to teach our kids.

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm pleased that people are on the same page. You don't need to be, of course, but it's nice to know. I know you've heard it all before but when i need to rant, i need to rant! Thanks for reading. :)

  7. found this blog by complete accident googling for something else, and ended up staying to read for a bit. thought you might find this link "amusing":

    rather ironic...

  8. Anon: I checked the link. You're right, it is rather ironic. Though i don't find it amusing. The whole issue still infuriates me. Gah!

    Thanks for stopping by. :)


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